Speech and Debate Programs

Unlock the power of persuasive communication with our comprehensive Speech and  Debate program at Impulse Academy! Tailored for high school students, this package covers Extemp, Congress, LD (Lincoln-Douglas), and PF (Public Forum), providing a holistic approach to honing vital skills in public speaking, critical thinking, and argumentation.

Program Highlights:

  • ExtempSpeaking: Master the art of impromptu speeches with in-depth training on research, analysis, and articulate delivery.
  • Congressional Debate: Navigate the world of legislative-style debate, developing parliamentary skills and eloquence.
  • Lincoln-Douglas (LD): Delve into ethical and philosophical debates, refining your ability to present compelling arguments with clarity and depth.
  • Public Forum (PF): Learn the art of collaborative debate, exploring current events and global issues with a focus on clear communication and teamwork. You need a partner for this event

Time Frame and Schedule:

  • CourseDuration: Each segment of the Speech and Debate package is designed for optimal learning over a 12-week period.
  • WeeklySessions: Two sessions per week, each lasting 90 minutes, ensuring a balance between intensive learning and personal development.
    WhyChoose Impulse Academy’s Speech and Debate Package?
  • Expert Instructors: Learn from seasoned debate coaches and experienced professionals dedicated to your success.
  • ProvenCurriculum: Our comprehensive curriculum is designed to cater to both beginners and advanced students, fostering growth at every level.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage in lively debates, practical exercises, and real-world scenarios to enhance your skills dynamically.

Supportive Community: Join a community of like-minded peers, creating an environment for collaborative learning and camaraderie.
Equip yourself with the tools to excel in Speech and Debate—essential skills that extend far beyond the classroom. Elevate your academic journey with Impulse Academy’s Speech and Debate Package today

Impulse Academy: Lincoln-Douglas (LD) Debate Program- 12-Week Schedule

Weeks 1-2: Foundations of LD Debate

  • Session 1: Introduction to LD structure, rules, and etiquette.
  • Session 2: Understanding resolution analysis and case construction.

Weeks 3-4: Research and Evidence Building 

  • Session 3: Effective research techniques and utilizing credible sources.
  • Session 4: Crafting impactful evidence and building a strong case.

Weeks 5-6: Constructive Speech Strategies

  • Session 5: Developing and delivering a compelling affirmative constructive case.
  • Session 6: Analyzing negative constructive strategies and effective refutation.

Weeks 7-8: Rebuttal and Cross-Examination Skills

  • Session 7: Mastering cross-examination techniques and strategic questioning.
  • Session 8: Constructing powerful rebuttal speeches and countering opponent

Weeks 9-10: Framework and Values Debate

  • Session 9: Understanding and incorporating value debate into LD.
  • Session 10: Applying framework strategies for a solid debate foundation.

Weeks 11-12: Advanced Techniques and Tournament Preparation

  • Session 11: Exploring advanced argumentation techniques and case refinement.
  • Session 12: Mockdebates, feedback sessions, and preparation for tournaments.

Program Features:

  • Interactive Practice Debates: Regular simulated debates to apply learned skills.
  • Individual Coaching Sessions: Personalized feedback and improvement strategies.
  • ResourceSharing: Access to a curated library of LD resources and examples.
  • TournamentParticipation: Guidance and support for entering local and regional LD tournaments.

Impulse Academy: Public Forum (PF) Debate Program- 12-Week Schedule


Weeks 1-2: Introduction to PF Debate

  • Session 1: Overview of PF structure, rules, and team dynamics.
  • Session 2: Understanding the monthly resolution and topic analysis.

Weeks 3-4: Research and Evidence Building

  • Session 3: Effective research techniques for gathering relevant data.
  • Session 4: Crafting strong evidence and constructing a well-supported case.

Weeks 5-6: Case Construction and Delivery

  • Session 5: Developing affirmative and negative cases with clear contentions.
  • Session 6: Techniques for impactful constructive speeches and crossfire.

Weeks 7-8: Rebuttal Strategies and Crossfire Tactics

  • Session 7: Constructing powerful rebuttal speeches and countering opponent arguments.
  • Session 8: Mastering crossfire tactics for effective questioning and defense.

Weeks 9-10: Framework and Clash in PF Debate

  • Session 9: Understanding the role of framework in PF debates.
  • Session 10: Analyzing clash, weighing impacts, and strategic use of evidence.

Weeks 11-12: Advanced Techniques and Tournament Preparation

  • Session 11: Exploring advanced argumentation techniques and rebuttal
  • Session 12: Mockdebates, feedback sessions, and preparation for tournaments.

Program Features:

  • Interactive Practice Debates: Regular practice debates with diverse topics.
  • Individualized Coaching: Personalized feedback on case construction and delivery.
  • ResourceHub:Accessto acurated library of PF resources, sample cases, and debate theory.
  • TournamentSimulation: Simulated tournament experience with feedback and guidance